Men's Ministry


Sunday Service - 9:00am | wednesday Bible study - 6:00pm | saturday -prayer 10:00am

Men Of Valor Empowered

The Church Of Restoration and Transformation is committed to encouraging the growth of our spiritual leaders through a balanced program of worship, biblical teaching, fellowship, and evangelism. We believe in embracing a multicultural group of all ages and background, demonstrating God’s lover through relationships. To train equipped, and encourage men to reach their fullest potential in Jesus Christ. Desiring to be empower and baptized with the Holy Spirit and Fire according to Matthew 3:11—I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

PURPOSE: For men to come together and build each other up and encourage one another in our relationship with the Lord. We build relationships while studying God’s word with the help of the Holy Spirit envision His purpose for allow lives.
Through God’s word and the Holy Spirit, we gain insight on how to be strong sons of God that we may grow into maturity. Training and equipping ourselves to do the work of the ministry; advancing the Kingdom of God.

WHO WE ARE: We are apostolic men who walk in dominion and the power of the Holy Spirit advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth, fervent in prayer and hungry for the presence of God to see His power and glory be manifested in the lives of His sons.


  • § ACCEPTANCE: We accept all men where they are but not satisfy to leave them there.
  • § STEADFAST: We live and build our lives by God’s principles.
  • § PRAYER: We pray without ceasing, trusting and believing God responds to our prayers,
  • § SERVANTHOOD: We are called by God to serve others as Jesus has served us.
  • § WORSHIP: We worship God, God deserves worship and we have the privilege of giving it.
  • § RELATIONSHIPS: We all are different, building relationships that impact lives for the glory of God.
  • § EXCELLENCE: We do everything as unto the Lord with excellence because we represent God in all we do.